About Us
About Us

Our Mission

Mix 93.8  is a community radio station which aims to entertain, inspire and inform through programming that reflects the diversity of the community.

Our Vision

  • Mix 93.8 not only plays great music through our talented DJ’s and music specialists, but provides a host of informative shows to inspire, educate and inform.
  • The Mix 93.8 team has a group of dedicated individuals who aim to bring a rich and professional sound through to the listeners. We aim to provide hands-on interactivity through the SMS-line and a friendly approach to any feedback and responses from our listeners.
  • Our estimated listenership (calculated through informative surveys, competitions and other communication tools) is estimated at 300 000
  • The LSM 8-10 (LSM = Living Standard Measure) rating and an income A-E rating which is classified as a Middle to Upper Income Group.